There are thousands of reasons to move to Alaska, but in this article, we will give you our top 5 reasons to move to Alaska.
What if we say you’re not the only one considering relocating to Alaska?
Every year, between 40,000 and 50,000 people relocate to the Frontier State. Alaska has the most significant gross migration rate in the US. This means that more individuals relocate there yearly than in any other state.
It’s a significant decision to relocate to such a far-off location. You might take a significant amount of time to seriously consider the possibility before making a shift this significant.
In this article, let’s explore why people love the 49th state and our top 5 reasons to move to Alaska.
Will You Get Paid To Move To Alaska?
Yes, Alaska will pay you to migrate there through its established Permanent Fund Dividend Program, which may seem unbelievable.
Alaskans who live there full-time (not just occasionally) are entitled to royalties on the Permanent Fund’s investment gains.
According to sources, while the amount changes yearly, it typically ranges from $800 to $1,100.
What exactly is the Permanent Fund?
To preserve a portion of the state’s income from mineral resources, it was implemented back in 1976. Future generations of Alaskans were to profit from this income. It was also hoped that it would draw in new residents. This extra money helps Alaskans save for retirement, college, and vacations every year. It’s a critical factor in why individuals relocate to and live permanently in Alaska.
Let’s take a look at 5 reasons to move to Alaska.
Lower Real Estate and Equivalent Living Cost
Compared to other states, the real estate cost in Alaska is lower.
The median listing price of a home in Anchorage, as reported by, was $339,000 in February 2022. This was an increase of 7.9% from the previous year. The average listing home costs $202 per square foot. The median listing price for properties in other major Alaskan cities is $270,000 in Fairbanks, $339,900 in Wasilla, and $250,00 in Kenai.
Living expenses are comparable to those in some other American cities. The cost of living may seem high, especially if you come from a state where it’s cheap to live, like Georgia or Indiana. However, it may not appear costly to someone moving from one of America’s most expensive places, such as New York City, Honolulu, or San Francisco.
According to sources, the anticipated monthly expenses in Anchorage for a household of four, excluding rent, are $4,283.74. Without rent, the same for one person is $1,225.03. In Anchorage’s downtown, a one-bedroom apartment costs $1,175. Apartments with three bedrooms cost $2,004.

Good Lifestyle
You’ll discover that Alaska is a place where you can live the lifestyle that best suits you. In contrast to the lower 48 states, where some people may feel compelled to “blend in” with their neighbors. Alaska is full of people who live their lives however they wish.
If you choose a simple life, then,
Maybe you’ve been aching to pare down to the bare necessities and concentrate on what brings you the most fun, whether enjoying nature, spending time with loved ones, or going hunting and fishing for food. If so, Alaska will not only be a friendly place for your mindset, but you will also find a lot of others who share your viewpoint.
But if you’ve desired to live off the grid,
Many Alaskans share your opinions, and there is enough land for you to build the homestead that suits your needs. After all, Alaska’s wide-open landscapes are one of the state’s best and have the most plentiful resources.
There’s No State Tax In Alaska
Alaska offers a pleasant break as many Americans leave places with high-income taxes (California’s top bracket comes in at 13%). Being an Alaskan resident allows you to keep more of your money because there is no state income tax and no state sales tax.
Despite paying local sales taxes, you’ll still fare better than citizens of most states because Alaska derives a sizable portion of its state budget from taxes on natural resources.
Additionally, you’ll benefit from the Permanent Fund Dividend, which is given annually to permanent residents of Alaska. The $1,600 will be an excellent addition to your budget.
Alaska Has A Rich History And Culture
Alaska has a fascinating and active history, from its early days as a land bridge connecting to Siberia through its official admission as a U.S. state in 1959.
The Good Friday earthquake, the Klondike Gold Rush, and the passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which set aside millions of acres for preservation throughout Alaska, are all significant occurrences.
Alaska’s rich past is visible to residents through the state’s national parks, antiquities, museums, and renowned oil sector. If you want to learn more, take a closer look at Alaska’s history.
Native Alaskan ancestry is particularly extensive and varied. The 229 federally recognized tribes under the control of the Alaska Regional Office have more than 180,000 tribal members. They are spread out from Ketchikan in the Southeast Panhandle to Barrow on the Arctic Ocean as well as from Eagle on the border with the Yukon Territory to Atka in the Aleutian Chain.
Lupiat, Yupik, Aleut, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, and other Northern Athabaskan cultures are among Alaska’s indigenous peoples.
Alaskans Are Fun-Loving People
You’ll have a full schedule of events to attend all summer long in Alaska. Salmon fest, Sitka WhaleFest, Alyeska Resort Blueberry Festival, Girdwood Forest Fair, and, of course, the must-see Alaska State Fair are just a few of the festivals that Alaskans love to attend.
Even in the winter, there are plenty of festivals to enjoy, including the Iditarod Sled Dog Race in Alaska and the Anchorage International Film Festival.