There are several different causes of low testosterone in men. Learn more about these reasons along with what to do by clicking here.

What Are the Causes of Low Testosterone in Men?

Men experience a natural decline in testosterone production as they age. Scientists have tied this change to certain health conditions. These include diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart problems. While these are serious matters, a low testosterone level may not cause problems on its own.

There are classic causes of low testosterone in men that can aggravate the problem. You first need to know the causes of low testosterone before you discover the solutions.

Continue reading to learn everything about low testosterone in men. Let’s begin!


Biological Causes

Low testosterone in men (also known as andropause or hypogonadism) is caused by a variety of biological factors. These include age, genetics, lifestyle, and medical conditions.

Testosterone levels may naturally decline every year from around 30 years of age onwards. Certain genetic conditions such as Klinefelter’s syndrome and auto-immune-related diseases can be associated with decreased testosterone production. Because of the problems that can arise from low testosterone levels, many men will opt to visit an ED Clinic Weston (or elsewhere more relevant) in order to receive TRT from experienced professionals. TRT can help to increase testosterone levels, even in older age – this can reduce many of the problematic symptoms men can suffer from, such as erectile dysfunction and low energy levels.

Existing Health Problems

There are several factors that cause low testosterone levels in men. These include obesity, diabetes, and HIV/AIDS.

Obesity contributes to decreased testosterone levels. The receptors in fat tissue bind to testosterone. This converts estradiol and renders it useless. Diabetes lowers testosterone by impairing the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.

HIV/AIDS can also reduce testosterone levels significantly. Low testosterone levels can be temporary and reversible, or permanent. This will depend on the underlying cause. 

Dietary Factors

A poor diet that is low in nutrient-dense foods can lower testosterone levels. One rich in processed and refined carbohydrates, and high in trans fats can lead to an increase in aromatase. This is a hormone that encourages the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This results in lower testosterone levels.

Additionally, diets high in sugar and processed foods cause elevated insulin and leptin levels. This has been associated with the suppression of testosterone production. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also have a negative effect on testosterone. Vitamins A, E, and Zinc have all been linked to potentially lower testosterone levels. 

Not consuming enough healthy fats can have a drastic effect on testosterone levels. They are an essential nutrient in the production of testosterone.

Environmental Factors

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the air, water, and soil can cause low testosterone production. Excessive exposure to such chemicals creates an imbalance of sex hormones and sterility.

Prolonged stress affects the endocrine system and lowers testosterone production. Chemical pollution and radiation exposure also decrease the production of testosterone.

Heat stress from saunas and the use of plastics can contribute to low testosterone levels in men.

Natural Aging

A gradual reduction in every man’s testosterone levels comes with age. This can manifest in various ways such as a reduction in muscle mass and strength, and an increase in body fat.

Low testosterone causes a decrease in libido, general fatigue, and weakened energy levels. 

Testosterone replacement therapy may also be beneficial if the symptoms of low testosterone become particularly severe with age. You can also check how to get low T treatment here and book an appointment today!

Learn the Causes of Low Testosterone in Men Today

These are the most common causes of low testosterone in men. It’s best to talk to their doctors about the risks and benefits before starting therapy.

Make sure to incorporate a healthy diet, exercise, and reduce stress. Lifestyle changes will definitely help in maintaining your testosterone levels.

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