
Why Your Pelvis Matters: Tips to Help You Keep Your Pelvic Health in Check

Your pelvis is the foundation of your spine, hip flexors, and lower body. It supports your upper body and allows you to walk, run, lift, and squat. If it isn’t functioning optimally, you won’t be able to do these things as easily or effectively. Your pelvic health can help keep your entire body healthy by supporting your abdominal organs and preventing back pain. The condition of your pelvis is graded on a scale from I to VI. Anything from I to III is minor while anything above that level is major and requires medical attention. Here are some common causes of a weak or unhealthy pelvis, as well as ways you can care for this area so it stays strong and stable:


Weak Pelvis: Tips to Keep It Strong and Stable

The pelvic bones connect your spine to your abdominal organs. They also help to support your uterus and bladder so they don’t press against your abdominal wall. Your pelvis is like a sturdy foundation that is the perfect size to support your entire body. When it’s healthy, your pelvis can be strong, stable, and flexible. When it’s weak, it can be unstable and prone to injury. It’s important to regularly stretch your pelvic muscles to keep them strong and flexible. Stretching your hamstrings and quads, for example, helps to keep your pelvis stable and flexible. You can also strengthen your abs and core to improve stability and pelvic health. By regularly strengthening your abs and core, you’ll be able to move more efficiently and avoid injury.

Flat/Stretched Out Bottom Line

There are many different things that can cause your lower extremities to be weak and your pelvis to be misaligned. Strengthening your core and building a strong exercise routine are a few of your best options. Core strengthening exercises can help alleviate any lower back pain that may come from weak pelvic muscles and a misaligned pelvis. Additionally, building a regular exercise routine can help you to get in better shape and lose weight if you need to improve your health. If you’re finding it difficult to lose weight or you’re consistently feeling fatigued and weak, core strengthening exercises may be a good option for you.

Weak Hip Flexors

Your hip flexors are muscles located in your inner thigh. They help to lift your legs when you’re sitting or lying down. The most common cause of a weak pelvic region is weak hip flexors. The most common causes of this are sitting too much or being out of shape from years of not participating in regular exercise. Regularly stretching and strengthening your hip flexors will help to keep your pelvis strong and stable. You can also reduce the risk of developing weak hip flexors by getting off of your computer and sitting less. Finally, getting some sun or walking around the block at least once a day will help to stoke your metabolism and keep your muscles strong and active.


Strong your pelvic muscles by regularly stretching them. Stretching your hamstrings and quads, for example, helps to keep your pelvis stable and flexible. You can also strengthen your abs and core to improve stability and pelvic health. Through regular pelvic health physical therapy, you’ll be able to move more efficiently and avoid injury. There are many different things that can cause your lower extremities to be weak and your pelvis to be misaligned. Strengthening your core and building a strong exercise routine are a few of your best options. Core strengthening exercises can help alleviate any lower back pain that may come from weak pelvic muscles and a misaligned pelvis.

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