The Benefits of Climate Control Storage- Why It's Worth the Investment
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The Benefits of Climate Control Storage- Why It’s Worth the Investment

Essential self-storage will be acceptable for the average storage unit, but climate control is necessary for those with more delicate items. Temperature fluctuations can damage wooden furniture and rust metal objects and cause the fabric to warp or discolor.

These fluctuations can also lead to moisture, creating problems including mold, mildew, and rot.



Storage units with climate control will be more expensive than traditional ones, but it is worth the investment for valuable items. Wood furniture or art will be less likely to warp or crack from temperature fluctuations. High temperatures or humidity levels can also damage electronics and office supplies.

A climate-controlled unit will have a constant airflow, which helps to eliminate moisture. This will prevent mold or mildew growth and protect items from damage caused by condensation.

Even a basic storage unit will benefit from installing a climate control system. This will help keep the items inside clean and fresh and provide peace of mind throughout multiple seasons. Without a climate-controlled unit, items can be affected by moisture buildup, extreme temperature changes, or even pests infesting the space. This can make them look and smell musty, which will not be the best for your items.

Peace of Mind

Climate control storage provides added protection, security, and peace of mind for stored items, which is a big draw for clients. This extra level of security is significant for valuable or sentimental items that can be easily damaged by temperature and humidity changes.

For example, high temperatures can warp or crack wood or leather furniture. Paper and books can be affected by mold or mildew. Electronics can suffer from moisture that creates corrosion and short circuits. Humid conditions can cause rust on metal items and damage paintings, fabrics, or antiques.

Any item that extreme weather conditions can damage should be stored in a climate-controlled unit. And although they may cost more than a traditional storage unit, the added safety and peace of mind is well worth the investment.


The extreme temperatures of a non-climate-controlled storage unit can damage items. This is especially true for any item with a significant monetary value or sentimental value. Whether it’s a painting, furniture, or clothing, if these items are exposed to harsh environmental conditions for long periods, they may be damaged beyond repair.

Humidity also hurts many items. It can cause wood to warp, paints to crack, or rust, creating a musty smell you can’t eliminate. It can even wreak havoc on electronics because it decreases their conductivity.

Climate control prevents these issues by controlling temperature and humidity. This helps to protect your belongings from moisture buildup, high or low temperatures, and pests. So if you have many expensive or valuable items that need to be stored safely, a climate control storage Kansas City MO unit is worth the investment.


As the self-storage industry grows, many owners are adding climate control to their facilities. This amenity regulates the temperature and humidity in a storage unit, preventing moisture that can lead to mold and mildew. It also reduces the risk of wood warp and rot.

If your clients have valuable items like antiques, electronics, and books that extreme temperatures or humidity changes can damage, then a climate control unit is worth the investment. It also helps protect items vulnerable to pests, including mice, roaches, and rats.

However, if your clients are storing items that can easily be stored in simple units such as rugs, clothing, and furniture, then it may not be worth the extra cost of a climate-controlled unit. Essential storage is sufficient if your clients visit their stored belongings frequently. This will prevent them from having to clean, disinfect and repair their items if they are inundated with moisture and extreme temperature fluctuations.

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